Sinaloa Youth Inter-Chamber Council awards the Juan Ley Fong 2019 prize


CULIACÁN.- This Thursday night was held at the Culiacan Botanical Garden, the third edition of the Juan Ley Fong 2019 Award, organized by the Sinaloa Youth Inter-Chamber Council, to recognize and promote young entrepreneurs, where the young Alba Bojórquez was awarded first place.

The businesswoman of the marketing agency Autten, said that it is something very special and exciting to have obtained such an achievement, but also to coincide with other entrepreneurs and learn from them has been very rewarding.

“This award is for entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurial attitude, who decide that despite the risk of entrepreneurship, they continue to fly higher and higher, an entrepreneur is someone brave who faces his dreams and wants to leave a legacy, he is someone who does not conform. The path of the entrepreneur is exciting, challenging, hard and supportive, which is why this award is very important, as it is something valuable for our community. ”

The recognition of the second place went to Eduardo Zavala from the restaurant company Ramen and Chill, while third place was taken by Enrique Rivera of Tepache Real Imperial.

Source: adnportal

The Mazatlan Post