El Rosario Sinaloa supported the struggle for the Revolution


Citizens also suffered during the years of armed struggle; the mine of the Tagus was sacked by the armed groups to finance, in part, the fight

Rosario .- Although in El Rosario at the time the Mexican Revolution was developing, many of the population that was of a high economic level supported the Porfiriato, there were some who promoted the figure of Francisco I. Madero with the ideals of Tierra Fertile and Social Justice.

The revolutionaries

The chronicler of El Rosario, Leopoldo H. Bouttier, mentioned that the revolutionary movement brought many benefits, especially for the working class or people of medium or low economic status, but also affected the development that was at its peak and There were many cases of abuse by those who made up the group of revolutionaries.

He says that among the most recognized that supported the revolutionary movement were the brothers Genaro and Joaquín Noris, faithful followers of Madero, even though they were of the preponderant families of that time. 

But there was also Casimiro Rendón, a character from the Sierra region, originally from the Hacienda del Tamarindo, who led the revolutionary armed arm with a group that ranged from 500 to occasionally reach a thousand men, and it was he who kept It borders the federal army in the region.

Although the three were key figures in the movement in the region, they constantly clashed with their way of acting, as Casimiro Rendón had a strong and impulsive character, while the Noris were characterized by being more conciliatory.

Bouttier says that in 1911, El Rosario receives the strongest attacks of the revolution, Enrique Castañeda, who had to flee the City Hall, was political prefect. But some officials such as Genaro Noris, who was a treasurer and supported the revolution, remained in his position. Don Casimiro Rendón took El Rosario and sacked the municipal coffers.

Affects development

At that time there were large stores of foreign origin, such as the store La Voz del Pueblo, Hotel Central, the cigar and cigarette factory, among others, some of which managed to take out their merchandise but others were stolen because they were the first affected , and many did not open again.

Mining was also paralyzed for almost a month, on the one hand, because they were looted to maintain the movement of the revolution and also because many miners left the pick and shovel and took up arms, leaving mining companies without workers.

“The underground works were interrupted on May 5, 1911, when the Madero revolution swept the municipality of Rosario … The city was attacked on several occasions …

For this reason, supplies, funds and bullion could not be delivered, ”said the city chronicler. He explained that it was the words that the administrator of the Mines of the Tagus wrote.

The chronicler commented that although the revolutionary movement was aimed at doing social justice, leaders were complicated to contain so many people that for years they had suffered outrages and took justice by their own hand, and sometimes even injustices were committed, such as cattle theft to feed the troops.

He noted that through the damage repair committee they were promised that they would be paid everything, something that never happened. 

For 1912 and 1913 the revolution continued but in the municipality, it was not felt as intensely as in 1911, because more and more people were identified with this movement and resistance was less.

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post