Berry exports give Sinaloa profits of one billion dollars


The blueberry places the entity in the third nationwide as the largest production, in addition to generating a significant number of jobs.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.-  Berry products in Sinaloa territory generates new opportunities and promotes them in the national market, where today there is good acceptance, said Javier Lizárraga Mercado.

The Secretary of Economy in Sinaloa stressed that the bet of one thousand hectares of these products in the north of the entity, in recent times open an opportunity for economic development and the generation of labor, which could be in trouble at a time by the area to be sown, especially in El Fuerte, Ahome and recently integrated Guasave.

“Berrys is a very good bet, because almost a billion dollars of berries have already been exported nationally last year, when we talk about berries, blueberries come in, raspberries come in, blackberry comes in, and strawberries come in, here in the case of Sinaloa what we are pushing very hard, we were already the third entity last year in most production is blueberries. ”

He considered the concern of promoting this product and betting on a market as good, although the problem is that the workforce could be lacking at any given time, given the pinch of these fruits, but still the farmers seek to prevent themselves.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post