Sinaloa apply anti-doping to Ahome municipal police


It is a requirement to revalidate the official collective arms license 204 of the municipality

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- This morning the application of the anti-doping was carried out to the agents of the Municipal Police of Ahome, by personnel in charge of the area of ​​the State Center for Evaluation and Control of Trust.

The measure is part of the requirement that the corporation must meet, in order to have the official collective permit or license for weapons 204, for the municipality of Ahome, which is required by Sedena.

From an early age, the agents met on the roof of the Public Security facilities, where they received instructions on how they should deliver their urine samples and fill out the official documentation. Sampling will take place over two days and will be practiced at approximately 750 items.

The test is performed to detect all types of prohibited substances that the agents have ingested and the results will be delivered to the Director of Public Security, who will determine what they will do with the people who are positive in the control.

“We want the corporation to be clean from the consumption of drugs and prohibited substances, have healthy and responsible people, to offer a better service to society, as our mayor, Manuel Guillermo Chapman Moreno,” said the Director of Security Public, Carlos Francisco Rodríguez Ponce.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post