Informal lodging grows in Mazatlan; urgent regulation needed authorities


Digital platforms have taken advantage of a vacuum or absence of the tax authority

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Informality through vacation rentals through digital platforms has taken advantage of the vacuum or absence of the tax authority to provide this service; said the president of the Association of Hotels Three Island s, José Ramón Sánchez Manguart.

He explained that according to tourist satisfaction surveys, in 2017 4% of tourists who arrived during the summer stayed in informal accommodation alternatives, in 2018 it grew to 14% and in 2019 16%.

The informal issue through platforms is happening throughout the country, for platforms that have somehow found a vacuum or an absence of the fiscal authority, precisely that they have taken advantage of to have income. 

José Ramón Manguart Sánchez

He commented that this alternative already has time, but it had not had as much growth as in the last three years, that it is leaving a gap that has not been taken advantage of, because somehow they do not contribute and it is unfair competition.

Manguart Sánchez clarified that they do not say so in the spirit of discouraging investment, but for the existence of competitive conditions for all, and this does not affect formal jobs and existing companies.

He recalled that in the assembly of the Mexican Association of Hotels it was requested that there be even ground, welcome the condominiums, departments, but that the rules of operation are under the same conditions.

That they pay VAT, IESR, lodging tax, property and water with commercial rate, because it is finally a business to win the service and not affect the existing, formal jobs, it is important that the authority replicates what it does with the formal sector in these alternatives 

José Ramón Manguart Sánchez

On the other hand, the hotel manager revealed that the hotels on Del Mar Avenue will have almost a full one for the national holiday, and national campaigns are already underway for the following months.

Reservations for the weekend are at 90%, and there is no more to continue channeling efforts with precision, strategy, to continue with this type of results and somehow balance the hotel offer.

 José Ramón Manguart Sánchez


In 2017, 4% of tourists who arrived during the summer stayed in informal accommodation alternatives; in 2018 it grew to 14% and in 2019 it reached 16%.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post