- It will be open to the public until October.
The Sinaloense Institute of Culture, through its Southern Delegation, invites the public to visit the collective exhibition of urban art Calle Canvas, which will be open to the public at the Roberto Pérez Rubio Gallery of the Mazatlan Museum of Art until October.
The inauguration took place on Friday, September 6 in the courtyard of the Museum, being chaired by Cecilia Sánchez Duarte, Director of the Museum and Delegate of the South Zone of the ISIC; Bacse, urban artist, designer and illustrator who coordinated the exhibition; and Jorge Dávalos, one of the sponsors and promoters of the project, to whom the Museum of Art extended a special thanks for the donation of painting to intervene six lockers that are currently on display but that will later function as donation boxes for different foundations of the municipality.
The works on display include four murals made jointly by the artists Bacse, Baysa, Carlos Z, Cross, Daso, Ekole, Johnny Gunshots, Lesor, Maks, Myler, Payra Paint, Senk, Sixtem, Ter, Veos and Wank, as well as the work in frame that presented each one of them individually. In the words of Bacse, the exhibition aims to disseminate the graphics that are made in the streets with manifestations such as graffiti, calligraphy, muralism and urban art in general.
The sample can be visited until October 9, Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission to the Mazatlan Museum of Art is free. Canvas Street was carried out with the sponsorship of the Technical Drawing, Barbasul and Dtstreetart stores.