Obsolete pipes are the “Achilles heel” of Escuinapa city water service


The mayor denied that the water service was suspended due to a power outage; assured that the service was completely restored but does not rule out shortages

Escuinapa, Sinaloa.- Obsolete pipes in the Baluarte – Escuinapa and Baluarte – Teacapán aqueducts, are the “Achilles heel” of the drinking water service, said Emmett Soto Grave, municipal president.

He stressed that the drinking water service is already fully restored, after almost a week of being “suspended”, due precisely to leaks from fractures in the pipes of the aqueducts.

“There is already drinking water right now, it has already been restored to 100 percent, but there may still be problems due to poor pipes,” the mayor admitted, completely ruling out the “rumor” that the service was stopped after a power outage. for a millionaire owed to the Federal Electricity Commission, CFE.

“The problem is with pipes, it has not been invested in hydraulic work for many years and that is the main problem that Escuinapa has, the pipe is still the Achilles heel, but we are striving to solve it, I do not want to leave my three years of government without this being resolved, ”said Soto Grave.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post