Mazatlan health officials recommend using mosquito repellents


As long as the product has a seal endorsed by the Ministry of Health and a laboratory, as this certifies that it is not toxic to the skin

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. The application of insect repellents, mainly for mosquitoes, is a product endorsed and recommended by the health sector, said Alfonso Sandoval Sánchez, director of the Department of Medical Services of the Municipality of Mazatlan.

However, the doctor called on the population to verify that this repellent belongs to a laboratory and has the seal of the Ministry of Health and Cofepriss, because he warned that there are homemade formulas that can not be known if they represent any danger to health or not.

“Some repellents are used as creams or solutions, which must be – and many if they are – endorsed by Cofepriss, therefore they lack toxicity in their dermal application, there is no problem with that,” he said.

The municipal official acknowledged that this type of substances is of universal use and can be applied to citizens in general, that is, that it has no special indications for certain places or users, such as sunscreens.

On the other hand, the head of Vectors and Zoonoses of the Sanitary Jurisdiction Number 6, Víctor Arredondo Rojas, commented that from April to date, there have been no cases of dengue in southern Sinaloa.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post