Due to the lack of cancer treatments, parents blockade Mexico city airport


Parents denounced that there is no supply of cancer medications at the Children’s Hospital of Mexico and at the 20 de Noviembre Medical Center.

A group of parents protested with banners in front of the Federico Gómez Children’s Hospital of Mexico to demand a solution to the shortage of cancer treatments, mainly to treat lymphoblastic leukemia.

Israel Rivas, Dhana’s 4-year-old father, said he is “endangering the lives of children” with the shortage of medicines.

Rivas said they will increase the intensity of their protests, so they will block access to the International Airport of Mexico City (AICM) and raised the possibility of blocking Méxoco-Puebla and Pachuca-Cuernavaca roads.

Meanwhile, Giovanni Agonizantes, accused that his son, Ian, had to be admitted, but in the absence of treatment, the procedure was no longer performed.

Teachers accused that there is also a shortage of cancer medications at the National Medical Center November 20 of the ISSSTE.

Source: milenio

The Mazatlan Post