There will be a thermal sensation in Mazatlan of up to 45 degrees


Extreme heat is part of the current canicular period, which ends on August 20

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Temperatures of more than 40 degrees will be felt in the next three days, said the head of the local Meteorological Service, Hugo Nordahl Valdez.

he weather, he said, follows from the humidity so high that it currently prevails in the port, which ranges from 60 to 70%, which is reflected in the heat that people perceive.

Nordahl Valdez, head of the local Meteorological Service.

He clarified that the thermal sensation is different in people, which depends on the taxes that are at high temperatures since there are those who can feel hotter than others.

The thermal sensation could exceed 40 degrees, which could be varying from 39 to 45 degrees, although this depends on the heat each person feels

Hugo Nordahl Valdez

He said that the extreme heat felt in the city is part of the cannula, which is the warmest period in the year, which began on July 12 and will end on August 20.

Currently, he said, in the port temperatures in the morning are from 27 to 28 degrees, while in the rest of the day it can reach a maximum of 34, although due to the thermal sensation it rises to more than 40.

The population is recommended to stay hydrated.

The heat felt in the municipality, he said, has to do with a low-pressure channel that extends to the mountain area, and that causes the probability of rainfall in the city to be minimal.


Hugo Nordahl Valdez said that the possibility of rainfall in the port ranges from .1 to 5 millimeters, which corresponds to 30% of these could occur during the next few days.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post