Profeco informs which are the gas stations that steals the most in Mexico


In a morning conference, Profeco presented the prices of gasoline in its “Who’s Who” program

Mexico City .- Like every Monday, the results of the program “Who is Who” in the prices of gasoline and diesel were exposed at the AMLO morning conference.

Ricardo Sheffield, head of the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (Profeco) said that a gas station in Mexico steals an approximate of seven liters per customer.

This is the most ‘exaggerated’ case of consumer theft of fuel, according to Profeco and he gave all the details of the fuel station.

This is the Mayan Economic Services gas station in Othón P. Blanco, Chetumal, in the state of Quintana Roo.

Ricardo Sheffield, in conference with López Obrador. 

It is so far the “most exaggerated case” of theft of fuel by dispatchers, according to what was exposed on Monday by Ricardo Sheffield in his weekly presentation.

“We take a sample of 20 liters, but instead of charging 20 liters (to consumers), they charge 27 liters with 100 milliliters.” These little angels in four of 12 bombs rob the consumer 30 percent of the fuel, which is the most exaggerated case we found, “the official said.

The gas station with the cheapest price.

He indicated that this gas station in the southeast did not use rakes, but had interspersed some mismatched pumps that gave fewer liters than those paid by users.

I also indicate that the complaint has already been made to the Attorney General of the State of Quintana Roo and will be followed up.

Finally, Grupo Empresarial y Comercial Monterrey, SA de CV, at its Tabasco station, offers the lowest price per liter, at $ 17.79.

The Carrizo station in Ahome, Sinaloa, offered the highest price for regular gasoline, at 22.77 pesos per liter.


Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post