Fast Track Ecuador Conference (August 15-17)


Join the Fast Track Ecuador Conference—the only event International Living will host in Ecuador in 2019—and discover everything you need to know to help you decide if Ecuador is your ideal retirement or relocation destination…

You’ll meet dozens of experts and expats and come away with all the knowledge and contacts necessary to make your move happen with confidence.

If you’ve read this far, I’ve got a feeling that you may have something in common with Jim and Rita Santos or Donna Stiteler or even with Joel Kaplan who moved to Ecuador with his wife, daughter, and young granddaughter to experience a “true foreign culture immersion.”

No Sugar Coating!

Moving overseas isn’t without challenges—and this conference will help you prepare for all the details. You’ll walk away with a clear idea of how best to prepare for your move, and you’ll have met and have contact details for the best resources to help you make it happen.

Here’s what one of your fellow readers said about our Ecuador conference: “The sessions were incredibly helpful! I believe that any questions I had were answered… and now I know whom to call if I get serious about living in Ecuador.”

If you’re concerned about your financial future or your health…wondering whether you’ll be able to have the kind of retirement lifestyle you dream about…you really should consider joining us in Quito in August—where you’ll learn all about the benefits, cost-savings, opportunities, advantages (and yes, challenges) this country has to offer.

There are so many benefits to living in Ecuador, in fact, that I certainly can’t go into all of them here. The low cost of living isn’t the number one reason most expats in Ecuador give for living there. To a person, they credit the sweetness and kindness of the Ecuadorian people themselves.

“Ecuadorians are about the nicest people you’ll find, says an expat friend who lives in the small charming village of Vilcabamba, “We live on a dirt road amongst the locals. They are some of the wealthiest people I know…they just don’t have a lot of money, but they always have time to say hello.”

Of course, many expats say the low cost of living is a huge benefit. Full-course meals (soup, an entrée of chicken or beef served with salad and rice, and dessert) for $3 or less—and that’s with a fresh juice included! And with $3 haircuts, $1 beers, 25-cent bus rides, and $20 doctor’s visits, why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

Vilcabamba—the Valley of Longevity—is one of Ecuador’s healthiest and most peaceful places to live.

And if you’re worried that you’ll miss your family and friends when you move to Ecuador, remember that with the money you save you can afford to go back for frequent visits…not to mention the low cost of hosting your visitors in Ecuador.

As one expat says, he and his wife expect to see their grandkids more because they’ve lowered their monthly expenses and they’re no longer tied to jobs.

“If we were still working in the U.S.,” he says, “we’d have three or four weeks of vacation a year and hope we had enough money to visit. Plus, our two children live in different states, so there’s no way we could live near both of them simultaneously. Therefore some form of travel would always be necessary even if we still lived in the U.S.”


Source: International Living