Mazatlan has planted 500 trees in urban areas


According to the Municipal Development Plan 2018-2021, at the end of the administration, there must be 1,900 trees planted throughout the port

Mazatlan, Sin. – Eight months into the administration, the Ecology and Environment Directorate has more than 500 trees planted in the port of Mazatlan, representing an advance of more than 26% of the total goal to be reforested.

María Lourdes San Juan Gallardo, director of the municipal office, said that by 2021 they are seeking to have a total of 1,900 trees of different regional species, planted in the port, especially in the urban areas

We go very well, this reforestation is both urban and rural. We already have 500 trees, in urban areas nothing more. It means that we are doing well, we are taking care of the species that is chosen, the places and that there are people committed to take care of the trees that have already been reforested.

She assured that this figure could be increased, due to the fact that those planted in the syndicates and communities have not yet been counted, these actions are carried out through the support of the Enlace Rural directorate.

She added that another challenge they face as a direction is to protect green areas inside the city from investors and builders, since in recent years they have been reduced, being sold for architectural projects and developments.

What we do not want is to continue selling green areas. We are paying close attention to that, where we rescue we put the name so that they are not sold and the neighbors protect them. This until we get the municipality to take them back and make them part of the municipal heritage, which belongs to all citizens.


Any citizen interested in reforesting an area of ​​the city, can call the offices of Ecology and Environment at 9828452.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post