Tourist of Mercado Pino Suárez gives good results in these summer vacations
Mazatlán, Sinaloa – Mazatlan has been the municipality in Sinaloa most demanded in the last three years by national tourism, therefore, in this summer vacation the influx of visitors has had a considerable increase in the city, one of the thermometers to analyze visitors is the municipal market José María Pino Suárez, which has rebounded its sales this weekend.
“From what was the beginning of the holiday period have been very good sales, since Friday 5 sales were around 70 percent, and yesterday to today sales were at 90 percent and not only in the souvenir area, also in a basic food basket “, said the secretary of the board of the market, Alejandro Ontiveros.
He added the main destinations that dress the market are the northern states of the country, as well as some of the south.
“The remodeling has given a better image to tourism, better cleaning, adequate facilities for people coming from the north of the country, Sonora, Chihuahua, the Comarca Lagunera, Saltillo, Torreón, Veracruz, Durango, Jalisco, and it has been a boom here in the market “, he explained.
He also indicated that today’s tourism has changed its purchase preference in the market, since it is no longer just the famous memory of Mazatlan, but has been interested in the variety of products offered by tenants.
“The market is a thermometer that indicates in the municipality the number of tourists who are visiting us year after year, and not only are souvenirs, they also supply the basic basket, butchers, fishmongers, and poultry,” said Alejandro Ontiveros.
Source: reaccion informativa
The Mazatlan Post