Secretary of Public Safety and Municipal Transit of Mazatlan warn of a new form of extortion and robbery


MAZATLÁN.- The Secretary of Public Safety and Municipal Transit of Mazatlan, Ramiro Lizárraga Medina, alerted the population about a new form of extortion that is being presented in this city.

The police chief said that for a few days they are aware that a group of people pretend to damage a vehicle to contact the possible victim.

He explained that the criminals scratch the side of a vehicle and leave a message where they indicate that they committed the damage “by mistake with a ladder”, but that they undertake to repair the damage to their motor unit.

On the paper they write a name and a telephone number where they ask the affected party to communicate and tell them to go to a workshop to repair the damage.

Once the victim leaves his safe or known area, the thief (and accomplices) strips him of his vehicle and belongings.

Lizárraga Medina stressed that even though they are already working to find and capture these people, it is necessary to inform the population so that they do not fall into these scams and report immediately to the authorities.

For any report and report, the SSPyTM makes available to the population the direct number 986-81-26 and emergency number 911.

Source: Secretary of Public Safety and Municipal Transit of Mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post