The village of Mochicahui will have its distinctive “Pueblo Señorial” designation


The Secretary of Tourism, Oscar Pérez Barros, toured El Fuerte

El Fuerte.- Mochicahui will have its distinctive “Pueblo Señorial”, Secretary of Tourism in Sinaloa, Oscar Pérez Barros, during his visit to El Fuerte today.

With this badge, which is a faculty that has the Secretary of Tourism and Government of the State, Mochicahui will receive promotion in the agenda of state and national tourism, in addition, to facilitate access to programs and actions that come to improve infrastructure and services.

On behalf of the City Council of El Fuerte and the inhabitants of the Mochicahui syndicate, the Secretary of the City Council, Leonel Vea Gámez, asked the Tourism Secretary to join the request for the “Pueblo Señorial” badge for Mochicahui.

The official of the commune justified that the ancient community of Mochicahui meets all the requirements to achieve this distinction by the large number of buildings dating from the nineteenth century and are considered historical monuments as well as the vestiges of the church of the Jesuit mission dates from the sixteenth century and was built in 1601.

Secretary of tourism in tour of El Fuerte

After touring the commercial area of ​​the historic center, Pérez Barros acknowledged Don Luis Soto “the Pure Life” because he said, “you are the best promoters of tourism because they are those who recommend and commit domestic and foreign visitors to back to this tourist destination, the official also congratulated the mayor Nubia Ramos because in the Tianguis Turístico Acapulco 2019 I get more work appointments than the other Magic Towns.

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post