AMLO recognizes that it will stop the illegal migratory flow; “By law, we have to do it”


Migration crisis

The President assured that the deployment of the National Guard on the southern border is “for public safety” but that it will help in migration if necessary.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that his government has to stop the flow of immigration “because by law we have to do it” and said that the 6,000 elements of the National Guard that will be sent to the southern border are part of the National Public Security Plan, but will help in immigration matters if necessary.

When questioning about the announcement of the deployment of troops on the southern border that Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, made yesterday , the President explained that the Constitution now allows the new body of the National Guard to collaborate in public security and migratory functions, although he refused to respond if it was a request from the US government.

The Guard is to stop migrants? -, questioned MILENIO.

“No, it’s public safety but you can help with this function if needed, I think that’s what he meant (Marcelo).”

– Was it Trump’s request?

– “We do not know, I do not have that detail, Marcelo informs me and what I decide I support.”

-Trump says that Mexico needs the United States and not the United States to Mexico

– (The President responded by saying “Love and peace”)

– It is said that the National Guard was the currency you paid for Trump not applying the tariffs

– (The President responded by saying “Love and Peace”) “I am the owner of my silence.”

Later, by insisting on exactly what the National Guard’s functions will be, he reiterated that he will back the project defined by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, but acknowledged that they will stop the migratory flows because the law requires them to do so; However, he insisted that his government will not fall into human rights violations.

– The National Guard will not stop the migratory flow in the southern border?

“What Marcelo said.”

– He said in a general way that he was going to send 6 thousand items, or is the proposal-

“Ah! Well that’s it ”

– But the purpose of the Guard on the southern border, what will it be? –

“What Marcelo said”

Your government will not give the order to stop the flow of migration?

“Yes, we have by law to do it and we are doing everything that corresponds to us, but at the same time, we are taking care that human rights are respected and that the underlying problem is addressed, which is the lack of opportunities, work, and well-being. in the Central American countries.

“What we want is to address the problem in Honduras, that there is a serious crisis and our Honduran brothers are suffering and the same is happening in other countries of Central America and especially in Honduras and that the Honduran government is helped, this is not it is an issue that is going to be solved with the use of force peace and tranquility are the fruit of justice, the causes have to be addressed “.

He said that this accompaniment of migrants “does not mean that we are not complying with the country’s immigration laws” but insisted that the National Guard’s accompaniment be requested “to accompany migrants to their return without violation of their human rights”

He recalled that at some point he declared that it is more feasible for the Mexican government to offer them work visas in the south than to allow them to reach the north and run the risk “of being hooked by the banks, remember what of San Fernando, that is why they are issues that They worry and occupy us. ”

Source: milenio

The Mazatlan Post