Mexico approves a 2-year renewable Temporary Marriage law


The law would be implemented in Aguascalientes, Mexico, were a legislative initiative presented by the deputy Natzielly Rodríguez Calzada is approved, who proposed the creation of a Civil Union Agreement of cohabitation, is that a figure equivalent to a “Marriage with definite time” or “Temporary Marriage”.

“Those who decide to take this option as an alternative may sign a contract of minimum two years and maximum five”

The legislator affirmed. The contracting parties may restrain the contract; otherwise, it will be taken as a de facto divorce.

Before this controversy of the proposal,  Rodriguez  has indicated that it is not intended to replace conventional marriage, but is “an alternative to common marriage, and does not come to replace it, is an option that people will have, timing is important as each person It is different and we can not bind blindly, but give that estimated time to meet the couple you want to live with.

“There are girls who get pregnant since adolescence and are forced to marry and these marriages end up separating. In 2017 there were an average of 6200 marriages, but there were also more than 3000 divorces, so we must take care of the children and adolescents so that they can live in a healthy environment and out of any big problem like this one “

This new legal institute, crossed by some detractors of populist, also contemplates the union of two people of the same sex. Also, the renewal will not have any cost.

Source: citadinamx, emisorasunidas

The Mazatlan Post