U.S. Senators headed by Mitch McConnell warned that they could vote against tariffs on Mexican imports


The senators headed by Mitch McConnell warned that they could vote against tariffs on Mexican imports; the Secretary of Foreign Affairs assured Imagen Noticias with Ciro Gómez Leyva that this is the most difficult mission he has faced

Republican senators rejected the imposition of tariffs on Mexico and raised the possibility of voting against the initiative promoted by Donald Trump.

We do not support tariffs and we still hope they can be avoided, “said Mitch McConnell, leader of the Republican majority in the US Senate.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he was sure that an agreement would be reached before Monday to avoid the imposition of tariffs on Mexican goods, in retaliation for illegal migration.

The President did not rule out meeting with Trump to address the case, but asked to wait for the results of the meeting that a Mexican delegation will hold this afternoon at the White House.

For Trump, who is touring the United Kingdom, it is “more likely” that tariffs will apply.

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard anticipated 80% of possibilities of reaching an agreement for the benefit of our country. He assured Imagen News with Ciro Gómez Leyva that Mexico has little room for negotiation and that it is the most difficult task he has had.


 In an unusual confrontation, Republican senators yesterday declared strong opposition to President Donald Trump’s tariff threat on all Mexican products. However, it is unclear if they will have the votes to stop him, and the president said that “if they do, it would be foolish.”

Trump’s initiative provoked great anger in the ranks of the Republican Party, traditionally opposed to protectionist measures.

The leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said bluntly: “We do not support tariffs, and we still hope that they can be avoided.”

We spent almost all lunch talking about this issue with representatives of the White House, “said McConnell after a weekly meeting that brings together senators from his party and representatives of the administration of Republican Donald Trump.

The discomfort is such that some legislators have raised the possibility of a vote to block the initiative. This would be a strong disregard for Trump, who has already had to veto measures twice voted in Congress.

McConnell, who would have the power to authorize a vote of this nature, nevertheless avoided this hypothesis, arguing that he hoped that the tariffs simply did not come to be applied.

In a long private meeting at the Capitol, the senators warned Trump officials that there could be problems if the Senate, with a Republican majority, votes in favor of disapproving tariffs.

A rejection of Congress would be a blow to Trump, even a more forceful one than a previous attempt to prevent the president from reallocating funds for the construction of his promised wall on the border with Mexico.

A deep concern and resistance “is how Senator Ted Cruz described the environment. “I will not give in to anyone with the passion, seriousness and commitment to make the border safer, but there is no reason for Texas farmers, ranchers and producers, in addition to small businesses, to pay the price of huge new taxes.” .

For his part, Senator Ron Johnson stated:

 I think the government has to be worried about another rejection vote … And I’m not the only one who says it. “

The result would be uncertain. Trump could try to veto a resolution of disapproval as he has done on previous occasions. But many Republicans who voted against the president’s action a few months ago actually supported his ultimate goal of building a border wall.



Under the principles of “dignity and effectiveness” that will be enforced, the government of Mexico, through the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, declared himself ready for Wednesday’s meeting with the United States Vice President, Mike Pence, and the Secretary de Estado, Mike Pompeo, during which he will seek to reverse the application of tariffs announced by President Donald Trump to all Mexican products beginning June 10.

The meeting will take place in the afternoon at the White House and in addition to Secretary Ebrard, the Minister of Economy will attend, Graciela Márquez Colín; the Secretary of Agriculture, Victor Villalobos; the undersecretary for North America, Jesús Seade, and the coordinator of advisers to the President of the Republic, Lázaro Cárdenas Batel.

Yesterday morning, at a press conference, the Mexican foreign minister anticipated an 80% chance of reaching an agreement for the benefit of our country.

 If there is going to be a negotiation, it is what we think if we are going to find a point of approach and second place, today we finish the preparatory tasks regarding the proposal that Mexico is going to present.

We have to manage a dignified and effective position and that is what we are looking for, dignity effectively, “he said.


Later, the Chancellor and the Minister of Economy, Graciela Márquez, met with the Democratic leader in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, with whom they discussed the process of ratification of the T-MEC in Mexico and the United States and the position of our country. regarding the decision of President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on Mexican products as of June 10.

It was a very productive meeting for the future of economic integration and competitiveness of North America, “said Ebrard after leaving the meeting.

From Washington, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard confirmed to Imgen Noticias , with Ciro Gómez Leyva, that today’s meeting with Trump’s representatives will be led by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. It’s going to be in the afternoon, in the White House.

Foreign Minister Ebrard added: “We have little room for negotiation, almost nothing. It is the most difficult mission that has touched me. “

-Enrique Sánchez


The President of the Republic said he was sure that an agreement would be reached with the United States, before June 10, to avoid imposing tariffs on Mexican products.

In his morning press conference, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he is optimistic because the talks prior to today’s meeting, took good course with the Secretaries of State, Commerce and Agriculture of the American Union.

The President was asked directly about a possible meeting with Trump, to which he replied: “I already said, if necessary we would do it, but first that the meeting tomorrow and other meetings take place. We have a very good commission in the United States of very good level. “

López Obrador considered that the Americans are a very human people, a Christian people that will understand that nothing is resolved by applying new taxes or fees to Mexico.

Asked about Donald Trump’s latest statement in the UK, that tariffs are most likely to start charging next Monday, he said that despite this measure being applied, dialogue will be maintained, because that is the best way to resolve the disagreements with our northern neighbors.

I am sure that an agreement will be reached, if not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but that we are going to convince that we are helping in the migration issue, that we are doing things well and we are going to listen to the proposals that can be And we are also willing to accept these proposals, listen, what are the limits ?, As our sovereignty, we will not allow anything that affects our sovereignty, “he said.

The President announced that he will not attend the Summit of the Group of 20 in Japan, and that his contribution will be to send a letter to warn about the problems of inequality in the world, which are the issues that need to be addressed in these meetings, because it is what causes deterioration of the environment, migration, insecurity and violence.

He stressed that in the G20 will be very well represented by Foreign Minister Ebrard and Finance Minister, Carlos Urzúa, so he ruled out that this meeting could be the right scenario for Mexico to expose the differences with the United States.

No, because I do not want to go to a direct confrontation; we have a different approach, and we can do it from here, and we will be well represented if something needs to be clarified, “he said.

Source: Bloomberg, AP, AFP, Notimex, Excelsior

The Mazatlan Post