Season’s delight: Sinaloa pitahayas are ready!


The season began in Choix and the inhabitants gather this delicious fruit not only to savor it and sell it to the side of the road to earn some pesos.

Choix, Sin.- The season of pitahayas started a few days ago in the Municipality of Choix and a large number of people go to collect this exotic and delicious fruit to sell it on the side of the road and obtain resources to bring sustenance to their families.

Such is the case of Jaime Baca from the community of El Aguajito, who pointed out that around 3:00 in the morning they go to Cerro de la Perabola or Santa Ana, to cut them or in the afternoon to sell them during the day.

“There are pitahayas from El Aguajito, worth a dozen, 10 pesos a pitahaya, cheap to come back, said the other, it has already started, the pitahaya has just started, the plebes are already going to the pitahaya to the hill, from here the perabola, if the people are looking for it, comes from Mochis, from everywhere to buy here “,

-Is it a way to get an income?

That’s right, “he said.

Elifonso Laurán Lachica, neighbor of El Tepeguaje, El Fuerte, indicated that this characteristic fruit of this mountain region only occurs a few days, as soon as it rains the plant no longer gives, so they take the opportunity to market it and make a little money. .

“Everyone now takes advantage to make as much as possible, it is the only way to survive here, now we are selling it in 100, to 80, a dozen, a pitahaya is worth 10 pesos, here the pitahaya that is most sold right now is, red, yellow, white, the taste is the same, the more mature it is, the better, it is sweeter, we have 6 dozen and a half now and there are people who sell up to 10 dozens a day, most people start at 3:00 in the morning to cut, we take advantage of everyone to get as much as possible, “he said.

The pitahaya comes from a cactus plant, this fruit is lowered with a stick of reed with a hook and is covered with thorns, which are removed to sell and their pulps red, yellow or white with black seeds represent for many a delicacy of the gods and this was commented by some residents and also some tourists.

Source: linea directa

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