AMLO cancels children’s daycare centers but gives the Labor Party “PT” 800 million pesos


Although the president said he would not give resources to the PT because it would detract from the authority after canceling the children’s stays, they confirm that the multi-million dollar budget was already negotiated.

Last February, after announcing that children daycare centers would be closed to end a scheme that gave rise to corruption, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he would not give resources to the Labor Party (PT). Today it is known that this party (an ally of AMLO in the electoral campaign) will receive 800 million pesos for its Child Development Centers (Cendi).

According to Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI), the petista Joel Padilla, confirmed that the multimillion-dollar item in the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF) has been negotiated and will be delivered to the PT.

“How are we going to give money to the Cendis of the PT if we are not going to give them to national daycare centers? Because supposedly it’s going to be given to parents. The Cendis of the PT are very close to us, but if we do not act with rectitude and evenness, we would not have authority, “the president said on February 14.

This is what the legislator reveals in an interview with MCCI:

  • – “In 2019 has not received a peso this year until the guidelines appear,” said Senator Padilla yesterday.
  • – But there is a game in the PEF?
  • -Of course, there is a departure … Expansion of initial education.
  • -They are 800 million pesos, right?

In that talk, Padilla points out that this is the item that has the budget of expenditures and that has not been exercised yet because the guidelines are being finalized and agreements must still be concluded with the states for its already complete operation.

“Guidelines are being built or elaborated so that this program works regularly (…) What was seen there with Secretary Esteban Moctezuma was that the guidelines had already been concluded, we saw that in a few days they will appear on the SEP website,” he added. the senator.

This NGO stressed that the holding of a meeting held on the same day as the Senate approved the education reform, in which senators and leaders of the PT met with the Secretary of Education, Esteban Moctezuma, to address the “regularization” of their Cendis and Child Development Assistance Centers (Cadi).

Since 1990, through civil associations and decentralized public bodies, the PT has operated 80 Cendis in 18 states of the country, for which it has received public resources, part of these have been subject to observations of the Superior Audit of the Federation, highlights MCCI.

Senator Padilla said that López Obrador is committed to the Cendis project of the PT and recalls that even that “commitment” was mentioned in the speech of AMLO in the Zócalo on December 1.

“The Cendis promoted by the Labor Party will be regularized; both programs (this one and that of Childrens Estancias that has already been canceled) will have guaranteed resources in the budget and will become part of the Secretariats of Welfare and Education, “said the President hours after protesting.

In the PEF 2019, the item U031 “Expansion to Initial Education”, is a subsidy of 800 million pesos, of which a peso has not been exercised, but neither has the resources transferred to another item been canceled. The 2019 budget assigned to the Children’s Stay Program was 2,041 million pesos. To operate 80 Cendis, the PT will receive an amount equal to 39% of the budget for Children’s Stations that served 9532 stays.

Read here the full report of MCCI .

Source: notimex

The Mazatlan Post