Works in Santa Lucia will cost 66% more than the NAIM


The engineers mention that the budget given by the López Obrador team for the construction of the Santa Lucia airport is not realistic.

The College of Civil Engineers of Mexico (CICM) affirmed that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposal to resolve air saturation by building an alternate AICM terminal in Santa Lucía would cost 66 percent more than continuing with the Texcoco Airport project (NAIM) .

According to data from the CICM , it would be more expensive because the Santa Lucia project should be added the cost for access and connectivity works to the AICM , and also for the cancellation of NAIM contracts , estimated at 100 billion pesos.-Advertising-

The engineers mention that the budget given by the López Obrador team for the construction of the Santa Lucia airport is not realistic, since it would be approximately 217 thousand 428 million pesos and not 70 thousand 342 million, as Obrador mentions.

They say that the budget for the NAIM project would be 232 thousand 230 million pesos, not the 285 billion that were mentioned.

Source: laotraopinion

The Mazatlan Post