Mayor of La Paz says he will not allow the marijuana festival to take place

The Mayor assured that there will be no permission for the marijuana festival to take place, in La Paz

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The mayor of La Paz, Rubén Muñoz Álvarez, assured that there will be no permission for the marijuana festival to take place; event that intends to take place from May 1 to 4, in the capital city, where talks, documentaries, talks and information kiosks will be held.

“I want to let you know so that there is no misinterpretation, there is no permission for that festival, nor will it be on the part of this City Council, it is not something that is allowed by Law even if it is a strictly cultural exhibition, it has not There has been a formal request to this City Council, therefore even if it has come out in some medium, this of course will not have authorization in any way, “said the mayor.

For her part, Dr. María Esthela Terraza, director of the State Network of Mental Health and Addictions , explained to the Municipal President about the danger that this festival represents for the people of Baja California, since she said that this could attract organized crime to the capital city .

“He will be the first in the country. Who stops these people? there obviously you have to have many alerts, a municipal committee can do great things to observe the behaviors of our society, is on the page with detail luxury how is going to carry out this festival of marijuana here in the municipality of La Paz ; I am dismayed and very worried about what is going to be allowed to come here in our municipality of La Paz, so we have to work on this, in these 3 work groups that the municipal council installs; once he enters a city he becomes an organized crime and he does not leave anymore, “said the specialist.

He also commented that in various media outlets are already announcing the place and date in which this event will take place, which has as its purpose the socialization of this drug.

“Atender el tema de la marihuana que es la droga ilegal, antes de venirme ya estaba consternada porque ya está en varias páginas, donde es el grupo, el club cannabis y en el Jardín Velasco se va a poner un staff y se va a ofertar todo”, explicó Terraza.

Finalmente, el Presidente Municipal concordó con la postura del Estado y afirmó que no permitirá que este festival se realice en La Paz.

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post