Mazatlan: Body of a North American woman found dead in an apartment at Isla de la Piedra


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- A woman of Canadian or American nationality was found dead on the second floor of a rental apartment, located in the beach area of ​​Isla de la Piedra.

The unidentified lady, apparently, had bruising blows to her face which may have caused her death.

The finding of the body occurred at approximately 10:00 yesterday. 

It was reported that the cleaning lady was the one who found the body of the North American woman lying on the floor, and looked like she was assaulted she immediately informed the owner of the apartments so that she could notify the police.

Minutes later, Municipal Public Security personnel arrived to corroborate the death, upon arrival they found the body of the woman and they were in charge of notifying the agents of the State Attorney General’s Office.

Source: rasnoticias, la sirena, el debate

The Mazatlan Post
