He is authorized to cultivate marijuana and proclaims himself the first Mexican legal cannabis grower


Since last Friday, February 22, the jurisprudence that compels judges to follow the criteria of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and to rule in favor of all persons seeking to protect themselves to cultivate and consume marijuana for purposes of personal Today, Israel Castillo counts not only with the protection of the judicial power, but also with the authorization of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks.

In a few words, you can now grow marijuana in a legal framework in our country. That led him to proclaim himself the “first Mexican legal cannabis grower”. In an interview for La Dose , he shares his experience.

Israel with its authorization of COFEPRIS for the self-consumption of marijuana

We begin by defining what this fact means to him. On the one hand, he assures that unlike other protected persons, he is a “common and ordinary” person. Not like Armando Ríos Piter, who is a politician, the activist Zara Snapp, or the SMART collective (who are not even consumers).

The process of seeking his protection and authorization took him 3 months from the fifth court of the Supreme Court (which laid the foundations of jurisprudence). On the other hand, he has been studying the plant for two years and preparing to grow.

And, although he recognizes that there are “illegal” cannabis farmers who precede him and also have a more developed knowledge of the subject, he has the possibility to do so legally. “I’m not going to be scamming helicopters anymore, nor will I have to hide my plants when the famous mosquito ha ha passes,” he joked when referring to the police drones.

Regarding the law initiatives in the Senate, he mentions that until now there is little certainty as to what will happen, so it is more convenient to protect oneself. It is even worth mentioning that, in this way, neither portability nor consumption is restricted in quantity. In other words, you can cultivate and carry what you consider necessary for your personal consumption.

He admits that the biggest difficulty in achieving his goal was to find an honest lawyer “that did his job well and was not scamming you.”

Share that you do not intend to cultivate any specific variety. “The first ones that fall into my hands I will cultivate them with great pleasure and love. And I’m going to smoke them legally. “

Finally, he regrets that it is illegal for him to share his flowers. “May it only be for you and I can not make known what you like, what you believe, what the earth gives you. But it is an invitation for the whole band to stop being marijuana from the closet and become cannabis growers. All legal and we create a legal community. For a green Mexico. “

Source: ladosis

The Mazatlan Post