Mazatlan: Oscar Blanche states that his resignation from the Institute of Culture was not due to health problems

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The last chapter of Óscar Blancarte Pimentel’s novel was lived on Tuesday at the Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlán, since the filmmaker, after announcing his departure from the paramunicipal, explained the reasons for the same.

Blancarte Pimentel affirmed that her separation from the position was by his own decision, but at no time was it due to health reasons, but it was due to the fact that on different occasions he was ‘overruled’ by people who were in charge of different areas and made their own decisions.

The ex-director of Culture explained that on several occasions he tried to separate José Ángel Tostado and Linda Chang from the position, since he did not like the way they treated their subordinates, but it was the mayor of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, who told him that they had to continue in office.

The filmmaker emphasized that there were different occasions where he was not taken into account and only warned him in different important decisions that the paramunicipal took, for what he described as “droplets that spilled the glass”.

Source: quepasaenmazatlan

The Mazatlan Post