Maya Train will open new markets in the south of the country

The connectivity will increase the income linked to rail transport.

The Mayan Train will open a new market for entrepreneurs from the Yucatan Peninsula thanks to the connectivity, volumes and costs linked to rail transport, said José Manuel López Campos, president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco) -Servytur).

He stressed that, since the Mayan Train is a means of transporting cargo and tourism that will connect emblematic tourist destinations and areas with productive potential in the region, it will allow the development of the five states included in the route to be boosted. As a result, opportunities will be generated for the attraction of companies, employment and conditions that provide better levels of welfare and population roots.

For the entrepreneur, this region has a great opportunity for growth and economic development because the Federal Government includes – among its priorities – reducing the lags between the states of the South and Southeast with respect to the Center and North of the country. He said that “these opportunities will be reflected in the large investments that have been reflected in the Federal Government’s program, which will be included in the National Development Plan, the six-year roadmap.”

Source: real estate market

The Mazatlan Post