They will sanction taxis that blocked roads in Mazatlan


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In relation to the incidents that occurred in the port of Mazatlán among trasport service providers that resulted in the blockade of Rafael Buelna Avenue, the Directorate of Roads and Transportation reports that it began with the corresponding legal procedures to sanction to those who have participated.

These will be subject to a suspension, whether temporary or permanent permission for the provision of public transport service and / or to be a driver.

As authorities we have always privileged dialogue to find the necessary consensus and balances for this activity, but we will not allow anything to go over or damage the image of the most important tourist destination in Sinaloa, ” the statement said.

“We will continue to seek the dialogue and the aforementioned consensus, but there will be no tolerance for those who bet on actions that go against the development of Mazatlan.”

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan Post