Sinaloa fishermen rescue leatherback turtle, an endangered species


This week, fishermen from Sinaloa rescued a giant turtle that had become trapped in the fishing nets. It is a specimen of leatherback turtle or tinglar, an endangered species. The strange thing is that this species does not usually reach the Gulf of California.

Female, twenty years of age and with a shell that measures 1.2 meters long, the turtle was found offshore by fishermen from Altata Bay, near Boca de Baradito; He is currently in the Interdisciplinary Regional Research Center, receiving medical treatment for the injuries sustained.

According to Alan Zavala Norzagaray, head of the wildlife area, it is not common for this species to move away from its nesting area, which extends from the state of Michoacán to Costa Rica. It is possible that this specimen has followed an unusual feeding route, given the adverse conditions of its natural habitat.

Mr. Zavala informed that “a satellite chip will be placed to track his trajectory and be able to document their migrations.” He also acknowledged the actions of fishermen when contacting federal authorities, proof that awareness campaigns to protect endangered species have Been running.

The males of this species can weigh a little more than 900 kilos and reach a length of more than two meters.

Source: noticiero.televisa,el universal

The Mazatlan Post