Tamaulipas: Reports of the kidnapping of 19 migrants from a passenger bus


Armed men reportedly intercepted a bus from the Transpais foreign line on the Reynosa-San Fernando highway, then kidnapped 19 passengers; so far there is no official version of the fact.

An armed group reportedly kidnapped 19 people traveling on a foreign bus, which left the city of Tampico for Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

The events occurred last Thursday around 12:55 hours at kilometer 79 of the Reynosa-San Fernando highway, at the height of the Palo Blanco ejido.

The bus belongs to the Transpaís line Marco Polo with number 9596 and plates 417-HY-4 of the Federal Public Service.

The unit left at 06:25 hours from the city of Tampico bound for the city of Reynosa, but had stops in Altamira, Aldama and Soto la Marina.

The operators were identified as José Ángel “N” and Carlos Edgardo “N” , who denounced the incident to their bosses.

The first of them explained that when they went to kilometer 79, they were intercepted by two trucks, one of them, gray and a Ford Black lobo truck.

Both blocked the road and forced the driver to stop and then took about 19 passengers who were taken under force and headed north.

José Ángel the driver said that he had a total of 41 passengers and only 22 made it to the city of Reynosa.

At 2:20 p.m., the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic (FGR) received the report of the kidnapings, so agents, as well as investigators, movilized to the bus station where the bus was.

According to information held by Excelsior, the location is located at Calle Melchor Ocampo y Ferrocarril, number 100, in the downtown area of ​​Reynosa.

Among the reports collected by the authorities, a total of 50 people boarded, some of which disembarked and other embarked at different stopes the bus made.

The majority were people of young age between 19 and 30 years, the eldest of age 42.

Among the passengers there were 10 women while the rest were men.

The case was consulted with state authorities, but so far no one has given an official version, but it transpired that the FGR delegation was informed Reynosa and because the crime occurred in a federal road.

In addition, unauthorized sources to discuss the case said that there are strong indications that the  passengers are migrants.

The zone where the massive kidnapping took place is one of the most dangerous that there is currently in the areas near Reynosa, due to the narco war that various groups support for the control of drug trafficking, extortion and human traffiking.

A week ago a bus of this same line had already suffered a attack in the same stretch and where criminals stopped the bus and stripped the money and their belongings to all passengers.

Last year, a special police group captured a band of assailants and rapists of passengers.

Source: excelsior

The Mazatlan Post