Mazatlan: They sleep on the Malecon to save their place for the Carnival Parade


The Mazatlecos argue that they want a privileged space to see the royal floats; minors and adults anxiously await the arrival of tomorrow to enjoy the first parade of the Carnival of Mazatlan 2019, which bears the name Equinoccio, the rebirth of the senses

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Since 8:00 pm on February 28, citizens began to set aside spaces to enjoy the traditional carnival parade, which will be held on March 3. When going up the Del Mar avenue through the Insurgentes Avenue, you could see people sitting in their chairs moving their place, some with an umbrella to protect themselves from the sun. Last night, in spite of the eviction that the authority made during the day, hundreds of people stayed to sleep to keep their place, because today Saturday they will be allowed to leave places.  

During the day, Geraldi Mesa declared that he decided to leave his place from 08:00 hours yesterday because he had seen on social networks that people were already being installed along the boardwalk. He commented that he has a large and “carnival” family of approximately 50 members. In order to set aside their places, he commented that they would install tents and women would take turns during the day and men at night.


The housewife Elvira Rentería, said that began to move from 00:00 hours on February 28, however, Municipal Police officers withdrew from the place, but returned at 06:00 to resume their place. 

 The population had all kinds of objects to protect themselves from the cold weather. 

She explained that she expects to receive 80 relatives, including relatives of her husband and his family. To protect their places at night, he said he would hire an outsider. 

She added that she had left everything, “even the sleeping husband”, to be able to set aside her space and enjoy the parade of the carnival with her family in the first row .

Even if we spend the fortnight, here we are, he warned.


While some were accommodating, Mirna was already installed from 20:00 on Thursday. “These days here we are going to live.” 
He added that he has been moving his place in advance for 12 years. The number of people who will accompany her will be 20, which will take turns to protect the place, depending on the schedules of their work. 

Regardless of the weather, people stayed on the boardwalk. Photo: Jorge Osuna

He claimed that the Tourist Police had behaved arrogantly by pointing out that he could not delimit his space with adhesive tape.

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan post