If necessary road educators from Culiacán could come in support of the Carnival in Mazatlan


oad educators from the Municipal Public Security Secretariat of Culiacán, who collaborated during the tourism event in April of last year, could come to the port in support of the municipal transit management during the celebration of Carnival 2019, if required the Municipal Public Security Secretariat, commented the Municipal Transit commander, Luis Eduardo Enciso Guzmán.

For now, the Municipal Transit Command is about to hire 35 road educators – said the Municipal Transit commander – in the port for the support work during the Carnival party to be held in Mazatlan from February 28 to March 5.

“They would support us so that our elements cover other areas of the city. Although we have the cadets of the municipal Academy to help in the work of prevention, “said the commander of Municipal Transit, Luis Eduardo Enciso Guzmán.

He added that with the staff that is counted, with the help of the cadets and the hiring of 35 road educators, the carnival area and surrounding streets are well covered to the maximum party.

Source: mazatlan informa

The Mazatlan Post