Mazatlan: 27 employees are dismissed at Jumapam


Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros assures that the dismissed workers sabotaged the administration

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- A total of 27 people were fired last week from the Municipal Water and Sewerage Board of Mazatlan, confirmed the general manager of the paramunicipal, Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros.

They are people that in one way or another we detect that they are sabotaging, working against the administration, against the new government, leaking information, filtering reports

Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros, general manager of the Jumapam.

Municipal Water and Sewerage Board of Mazatlan, Jumapam.

The official indicated that the dismissed are from different areas and, if necessary, will continue.

Among those dismissed, he said, contract and unionized employees.

“He who behaves badly has no option they will be fired,” said Tiznado Ontiveros.

From the reaction of the Union of Workers in the Service of Jumapam, he assured that he has been respectful, because he spoke with them, he explained to them why and they accepted.

Of those dismissed, he said, everyone will be liquidated according to the law, because if the administration of Jumapam decided to take the step it is because it has the resources to do so.

Before quitting the management of Jumapam, the previous general manager, Quel Galván Pelayo, announced that they would be dismissed about 40 employees, including some union members who would be thoroughly investigated to demonstrate acts of corruption.

Finally, it corresponded to Tiznado Ontiveros to drop 27 employees, but did not specify how many are trustworthy and how many of base.

If there is a need, he said, new personnel will be hired, otherwise the position will be accepted.

“Because what existed was personal other, right now, there was no duplication of functions,” he said.

Source: El Sol de Mazatlan