Sinaloa community kitchens stop operating due to lack of resources


130 dining rooms distributed in the 18 municipalities are at risk

Mazatlan, Sin. Due to lack of federal resources, the majority of community kitchens stop operating in Sinaloa, Álvaro Ruelas Echave revealed.

The Secretary of Social Development in the state said that there are 130 dining rooms, which are located in the areas of greatest poverty in the 18 municipalities.

Right now, the majority have been suspending their activities because as of January they no longer received resources from the federal government, this is very worrying because these supports are aimed at the most vulnerable population. Álvaro Ruelas Echave

He said that the desire is to establish a mechanism on behalf of the state government to make an extra effort, since these canteens have fought extreme poverty.

Ruelas Echave, informed that according to 2016 statistics, Sinaloa has 80 thousand people living in extreme poverty.

He said that on average 120 breakfasts are served and an equal amount in meals from Monday to Friday and the municipality of Choix has 18 community kitchens, which has the largest number of these, of those that exist in the state and Mazatlan has 12

He announced that they are already analyzing and going through these canteens to see how many still operate, in addition to verifying that they do it in the right way and in the next few days they will have an answer.

We already have a proposal that we could generate with a much lower cost than what was being used, the idea and instruction of the governor is to be much more efficient with the resource, and to make the decision and see the real situation and we can know the possible participation and interest of the municipal governments. 

Álvaro Ruelas Echave

Source: El Sol de Mazatlan

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