Mazatlan: Start of campaign of sterilization of dogs and cats


They seek to reduce the population of animals in a street situation that proliferates in the city.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The veterinary mobile unit of Hospital Margarita Maza de Juárez began this Wednesday with the Program for the sterilization of dogs and cats.

The aim is to reduce the population of animals living in the street that proliferate in the cityand to give them a better quality of life, said Alfonso Sandoval, director of the Municipal Hospital.

“Give quality of life to animals, pets and the large proliferation of cats and stray dogs in the city, I believe that with this measure we will be able to correct this malaise of the population,” he said.

The mobile unit will remain all week in the Colonia Francisco Villa and will later move to the Santa Teresa Fraccionamiento next week.

During the visit of the mobile unit will also be offered rabies vaccines, deworming and veterinary advice.

Source: El Sol de Mazatlan, mazatlaninforma

The Mazatlan Post