Municipality will work with engineers to continue with the development of Mazatlan

The director of Planning and Urban Development, Víctor Sainz Sánchez, emphasized that this administration will be a facilitator for the real estate boom to continue

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The municipality will work jointly with the construction sector in order to continue the development in the town, said the director of Urban Planning and Development, Víctor Sáinz Sánchez, within the framework of the protest taking of the XIV Board of Directors of the College of Civil Engineers in the Southern Zone of Sinaloa, AC, occurred last weekend.

In the message that he issued during the protest taking of Héctor Andrés Rodríguez Andrade as president, he highlighted in front of the members that this type of groups are beneficial for society, given the contribution they have in the development of the city.

“The mayor has the doors open for all professionals, and in this case the engineers have all the support, with a server and the willingness of the mayor to carry out all kinds of work in a matter of construction,” he said.

He stressed that the charge of Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres is that the Commune is facilitating the boom that has been generated in the real estate sector in the tourist area.

They are also part of the Board of Directors of the College of Civil Engineers in the Southern Zone of Sinaloa, AC, Alexis Cordero Solís, as vice president; José Manuel Pang Hernández, secretary; Francisco Martín Castillo Lizárraga, treasurer, among others.

Source: quepasaenmazatlanlinea

The Mazatlan Post