Performance evaluation of the 32 governors of the Mexico


These results are derived from the survey conducted by Arias Consultores. 

Starting with the strongest data, we can see the comparison of the 5 best-evaluated governors and the 5 worst evaluated. In the case of the best evaluated, maintaining the same approval value with respect to our last measurement, is the governor of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mauricio Vila Dosal, who remains above the national average with more than 30 percentage points. The one who supports him in this measurement is the also PAN governor, Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, from the state of Tamaulipas, who is 10 percentage points from the first place. In third position is the PRI governor of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, who for this measurement presents an advance of 6 positions with respect to the last measurement published here. In the fourth and fifth place is observed the newly released governors of Mexico City and Veracruz, states that also premiere governor party because both are Moreno, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, and Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, respectively, who in their short period of activities threaten very closely the position of the third place.

On the negative side are some new faces, such as the case of the governor of Quintana Roo under the PAN-PRD alliance, Carlos Joaquín, at number 28 and the governor of Oaxaca, the PRI leader Alejandro Murat Hinojosa at number 30. The positions 29, 31 and 32 are occupied by the recidivists of the worst approvals: the PRD governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo; the PRI member of San Luis Potosí, Juan Manuel Carreras; and once again, the Tabasco-based PRD, Arturo Núñez Jiménez, respectively.


In response to the question of how much confidence inspires the governor of his state? It is not surprising to see the same faces that enjoy good approval, because, in a decent way, the first three positions replicate the best approved, I mean, the governors of Yucatán, Tamaulipas, and Sinaloa. In a very similar way, it happens with the seats of the worst evaluated ones, because from 30 to 31 we observe the governors of Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí and Tabasco, respectively.

Regarding the confidence that governors generate in entrepreneurs to invest in the state, the governors of Yucatan, Querétaro, and Tamaulipas are located in the first three positions, according to respondents. At the opposite extreme, we observe that the last three places are occupied by the governors of Chihuahua (the PAN Javier Corral), Michoacán and Tabasco.

In terms of support for people with limited resources, we see again in the first places the 3 best-evaluated governors (Yucatán, Tamaulipas, and Sinaloa), followed by the PAN governors of Nayarit (Antonio Echevarría García) and Querétaro (Francisco Domínguez Servién). In last place of this item, there is nothing new with regard to the last evaluated, because in positions 30 to 32 we see the governors of Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, and Tabasco.


In terms of improvement in health services, the governors of Yucatan, Querétaro, and Tamaulipas, respectively, lead the first three positions of the list. In position 31 we see a governor who did not figure in such low places, I mean, the governor PRIísta de Guerrero, Héctor Antonio Astudillo Flores, leaving in positions 30 and 32 the governors of Oaxaca and Tabasco.


The perception of improvement in tourism of the respondents of the different states, put the best evaluated to the states of Yucatan, Querétaro, and Sinaloa, while those at the bottom of the list are observed to the governors of Guerrero, State of Mexico (Alfredo del Mazo Maza) and Tabasco.


Answering the question, has corruption decreased? We see one of the new governors who won elections this year, in this case, is the governor of Veracruz because in this area is located as the second best evaluated, accompanying the first and third place, the governors of Yucatan and Tamaulipas. Repeating the bad popularity, we find the governors of San Luis Potosí, Oaxaca and Tabasco as the worst evaluated of this point.


In terms of improving security in the state, one of the governors is observed that has ranked among the first places in several areas since our last measurement, because in second place is the governor of Nayarit, surpassed in first by the governor of Yucatan and above the governor of Tamaulipas. In the last places the governors of the states of Guerrero, Quintana Roo and Tabasco are observed.

Source: Arias Consultores 

The Mazatlan Post