Editorial: Mexican View of Migrant Caravan


A very important topic of these last days and that is viral in social networks is the migrant caravan, since it has generated memes, “trending topic”, garbage in squares, shelters, from Chiapas to Tijuana, speculations about who financed it, discontent in the citizenship of Tijuana and surrounding areas, debates between those in favor and support for humanitarian reasons and those who are outraged by the way they respond to aid by throwing away the food they do not like, hitting police and citizens in Tijuana, plundering markets, getting drugged, etc. 
Given the reactions that have been generated, it is necessary to specify words and concepts.

Certainly, in the United States, there is a lot of Mexican migrants, whether legal or illegal, and we have been outraged by Trump’s migration policy towards Mexico. But before this, Mexicans in the United States are a very important working force for that country, whether legal or illegal and in all fields contribute to that society in which they have been integrated, commercially, agriculturally, militarily, wherever. The Mexican is going to add and respect the laws of that country, indeed, when he crosses the border in automatic traffic behavior changes for example.

To enter a country by knocking down nets, with sticks, stones and confronting the police, can that be called migration? 
Many describe the aversion to the Honduran caravan as racism and xenophobia. The indignation to see food thrown in the garbage, fruit, water; the discomfort of the Hondurans because they are given sandwiches or beans as if they were “chenchos” (pigs), as a Honduran woman said. That cannot be considered racism. 
Is it fair and normal then, to be outraged by an ungrateful attitude, to see food thrown away when we have just had natural disasters? Judge your reader and with this we emphasize, it is not to incite racism nor to generalize. But we can learn a lot from this.

On the other hand, it is true that many Mexicans also throw garbage on the street, that there is also violence here and drugs, in effect, we do not need to import it into thousands. What will happen to those thousands migrant that will Not be entering the United States? 

By Javier E. Zepeda Osuna.

The Mazatlan Post