Morena goes against call centers; seek to curb telephone harassment


Ricardo Monreal said that this week they will present an initiative so that call centers, banks, pollsters and companies do not use personal data for commercial purposes.

The bench of Morena in the Senate announced that it will seek to stop telephone harassment with calls from call centers that without the user’s consent, receive offers of products or services. 

In that sense, the coordinator of Morena in the Senate ,  Ricardo Monreal, reported that this week will present an initiative to prohibit the use of personal data for commercial purposes. 

To this end, reforms will be proposed to various provisions of the Law on Protection and Defense of the User of Financial Services, the Federal Law on Telecommunications and Radio Dissemination, and the Federal Law on Consumer Protection. 

In that sense, Morena will propose a series of sanctions for those companies that do not comply with this mandate. 

“In Mexico there is no evidence of fines for companies that practice this type of harassment. On the contrary, call centers , pollsters, banks and companies constantly harass users of 20 million fixed lines and 115 million registered mobile lines, “he stressed. 

By specifying that the proposal intends to expressly prohibit suppliers and companies from using telephone call systems, sending text messages to cell phones or mass electronic messages to promote products and services for marketing or advertising purposes. 

“Unless expressly provided consent, prior, informed, express and unambiguous,” is noted in the initiative.

“We are all close to the experience of receiving, daily and from different telephone numbers, calls with the intention of offering the sale of financial products or the change of telecommunications service providers.” 

According to Monreal,  the underlying seriousness of these practices lies in the improper use of personal data held by said companies.

To say of the own Monreal , although it is certain that at the moment diverse legal devices exist to fight the commercial harassment, the reality is that these have not been sufficiently effective to safeguard the rights of the consumers. 

Especially because the current legislation leaves users with the responsibility to request the interruption of harassment, which does not result in their definitive cessation.