Sinaloa: Culiacán is one of the fastest growing destinations


Factors such as the opening of a route or the tourist development of a destination, are some of the key elements for the destinations selected in the Barometer to be a trend this year.

The capital of Sinaloa ranked first in the nation among the fastest growing destinations , according to the first edition of the Tourist Industry Barometer Viajala.

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From the 47,890 million searches that were conducted throughout the region from 2017 to date, Viajala conducted a study that analyzes the tourism industry in Latin America and Mexico to find which are the destinations that are growing by country, understanding the variation of prices and searches for each place.

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Lise Vives, country manager of Viajala Mexico, announced that among the relationship analysis is the increase in searches and the price decrease, the winning destination of 2018 was Culiacán nationwide, with 48.71 percent in searches; while at the international level, with 130.7, Havana, Cuba, ranked first.

Source: Viajala Barometer 2018


Lise Vives said that at the national level the Culiacán airport is one of those that has grown the most in recent years, and this responds to the growth of this destination, both in terms of business trips and tourism. Through the airlines, you can reach 11 national and 1 international destination.

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He also pointed out that the capital of Sinaloa is known as the city of the three rivers and is one of the key entrances to the north of the country, and a perfect place to practice one of the main tourism trends of 2018, the bleisure a trend of business travelers.


Lise, who has more than eight years of experience in marketing, business development, and advertising, explained that to determine the most important destinations in the country, it was concluded that the algorithm had to take into account not only the number of searches but also the variation in the price of tickets.

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So there is a great opportunity for all those linked in the tourism industry of Culiacán to promote the destination from a double perspective, highlighting the commercial and business growth of the city, as well as its tourist attractions.

Even though Culiacán is not a predominantly tourist destination, according to figures from the Viajala Barometer, most visitors arrive in the high season months, such as July, August, June, and March.


The country manager invited the company to know the barometer and visit the website to plan their next trips to national and international destinations.

The Mazatlan Post