How much does it cost to live as a student in Mexico?



This costs of living for a Mexican student in 2018

Cost of living table for university students


Compared to last year, the cities where the cost of housing has increased the most with Mérida, Morelia, and Toluca; CDMX is still the most expensive and the one with more university students, according to Dada Room figures.

As every year, thousands of young people in Mexico enroll to begin their university studies and, after the entire admission process, the next big dilemma is finding their new student home. In that sense, the new generation of university students should, apparently, invest a little more in housing than last year, according to information compiled by Dada Room, the main online platform that connects people looking for shared income in Latin America

The analysis, conducted in order to know how much is the average cost of living for a student, reported that housing is the highest item that students must cover and the one that reported the most increases in 2018.

Today a student of the CDMX must invest up to 5 thousand 300 pesos monthly, 500 pesos more than in 2017. In addition, the capital retains the place as the city with the most expensive rents and the largest number of students (682 thousand 510 approximately). It is followed by the city of Monterrey, where its 164 thousand 923 students will spend an average of 4 thousand 450 pesos of income (350 pesos more than in 2017) and Guadalajara, with rents of 3 thousand 750 pesos (250 pesos more expensive) for their about 160 thousand 858 students.

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But college life is more than just paying rent. To have a broader picture of housing costs, Dada Room estimated the necessary expenses of accommodation with a roomie, public transport, food and leisure (specifically, the price of beer), without contemplating other expenses such as books, photocopies, and materials.

The highest home price is maintained in Mexico City, with a total of 7 thousand 278.82 pesos. Also, compared to the previous year, the cities where there was the greatest increase in the cost of being a university were Mérida (from 1,800 to 2,800 pesos), Morelia (1,800 to 2,200 pesos) and Toluca (from 2). thousand 400 to 2 thousand 900 pesos).

In contrast, the most student-friendly cities are Xalapa and Tuxtla Gutiérrez, since the estimated total cost of housing is 4 thousand 25.04 and 4 thousand 99.72 pesos, respectively. However, the capital of Chiapas outstrips it, since it is the city with the highest public educational offer at a higher level with respect to the number of students: it has a public institution for every 3 thousand 133 university students, in addition to equaling the Perla Tapatía with up to 17 public universities.

Resultado de imagen para students in merida city images

In terms of mobility, Tijuana is the most expensive city, since public transport prices reach 13.50 pesos. In contrast, despite the fact that the cost for lodging in Mexico City is the most expensive in the country, in public transport, it is the lowest: 6 pesos; as in Puebla.

When it comes to food, the capital is the one that requires the most investment for students with an estimated 130 pesos. The least expensive diets are those of cities such as Tuxtla and León, Guanajuato.

When talking about what is spent on leisure, Morelia, Michoacán, is the university city with the highest cost, with an estimated 43 pesos per beer. By contrast, in Hermosillo, Sonora, students spend almost 10 pesos less, that is, weight 32.67 pesos.

 “These data reveal that there are several factors to consider when thinking about the quality of life of students. While their decision on how and where to live depends more on the type of careers they want to pursue, these items will help them better manage their finances and identify in which areas they should save more, “explained Antoine Perouze, founder of the platform.

According to the Dada Room analysis, these are the housing costs in 16 of the city with the most students in Mexico.