“El Gitano”, first hitman from Sinaloa,


There is talk of up to 50 agraristas executed by El Gitano and theirs 
There had been no other gunman like him; He was also described as physically imposing 
The same who a few years later murdered Hugo Izquierdo Ebrard, for the same reasons

In a newspaper article published by Luis Spota in the newspaper Excélsior, on June 13, 1944, the motive for the assassination of the Governor was published.

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The First Sicario Sicario. “There had been no other gunman like him, he had a brutal cold blood that became a legend in Sinaloa from February 21, 1944, during the early morning of Mazatlan’s carnival, in the Andalusian patio, the party space of the Belmar hotel. Rodolfo Valdés, El Gitano, assassinated the governor of Sinaloa, Rodolfo T. Loaiza, and the bullet entered the colonel’s neck and came out between his eyes, and the blood flowed in the festivities of the port.

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The gunmen who went with El Gitano, born in Aguacaliente and physically described as imposing, with the bulk of a football player, armed the shooting with those who cared for the fallen governor. The Kelly, one of the escorts of the triggerman, was the only casualty of the sheaf. Before dying, he revealed to the police the names of El Gitano and the others responsible for the assassination.

None was Chinese

The Gypsy – frozen blood, scant tenderness – already had a black reputation in Sinaloa, especially in the south of the state, where he worked as a thug in the service of landlords who opposed the agrarian reform promoted with vehemence by the government of General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.

Resultado de imagen para General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.

The first Sinaloan criminal gangs that challenged the government had been created by caciques to prevent the landless peasants from occupying pieces of the latifundia of the region, as the recent Revolution owed them.

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Without being certain, there is talk of up to 50 agraristas executed by El Gitano and theirs. Maybe there are many more. One of the best-known murders of the band was that of José Esparza, El Tarzán, a charismatic peasant leader. The white guards led by El Gitano had no mercy.

The legend says that the gunman was so reckless that he used bullets marked with his nickname that day.

Before attempting against Governor Loaiza, the members of the band of gunmen, known as Los Dorados, drank in the canteen La Nueva Costeña. For a moment, El Gitano, who is also described as a ferocious man but with the intelligence of a child, regretted the mission entrusted to him. “The old man has done me favors, once he even gave me 2,000 pesos, he has treated me well,” he said, according to witnesses. One of the favors that he had done from the government was to forgive him for the crime of a mistress he had in the town of Uriah, which he murdered drunk in a party that seemed never to end.

– Well, it will be, but now you are committed. You can not back out, “one of his gunmen reminded him.

–It’s okay. It’s good. Pa ‘not to say, we’re going to throw a few tacos of brains of the old bald – answered El Gitano.

The Hotel Belmar is still open. The assassination has become a tourist element more, as so many other acts of violence happened in the city.

A betrayal by Governor Loaiza to the drug traffickers of the time was considered one of the causes of his death.

The investigator Luis Astorga recovered a newspaper article published by Luis Spota in the newspaper Excélsior, on June 13, 1944, in which the writer and journalist quoted an anonymous source who told him about the alleged crime:

“The declarer elaborated a credible version: Loaiza received 80,000 pesos from the opium traffickers of Sinaloa to ensure impunity and freely pick up the poppy crop at the beginning of the year, the governor accepted the money without committing to anything, then requested the services of some capital police to devastate the plantations, which was done by […] the deceived traffickers planned the revenge, which was brutally executed in the early hours of February 21, 1944, during the Mazatlecan carnival festivities. time Loaiza fell – and this is a little-known detail – mysterious hands sacked his official residence in Culiacan.

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In those years, the latifundistas were determined to prevent the transfer of their lands to blood and fire. The white guards of the landlords killed peasants and they defended themselves with arms. In that environment the mafia was born in Sinaloa: to protect private property at a time when the slogan “Land and freedom” was not the slogan of a political party and remained fresh in the memory of thousands of peasants who invoked the Revolution of 1910.

The richest farmers, owners of fiefdoms of the time, used gunmen like El Gitano to keep their privileges intact through the application of their own law, whose usual sentence was the death penalty against the enemies of the latifundio. Erected on the protection of private property, over time the mafia took advantage of its power of governmental corruption and to instill fear among the population to expand to other economic activities, such as the planting and sale of marijuana and opium poppy ” ; The story that you can read with original information and integrates blogs “News about the drug” “El Gitano”, first hitman of Sinaloa Posted: 15 Feb 2014 02:04 PM 

They say that the one who kills iron kills iron … here’s another story:
Governor Tostado Loaiza executed it, right in the Carnival of Mazatlán, in 1944, El Gitano, the first Sinaloan hit man. The same one that a few years later murdered Hugo Izquierdo Ebrard, for the same reasons


The former interim governor of Tlaxcala, Mauro Angulo Hernández was recalled on Monday by municipal authorities of Tlaltelulco, where he was originally from, and who was killed on February 17, 1940 by the brothers Hugo and Arturo Izquierdo Ebrard, without being clear about the motives of the crime.

In the elementary school that bears his name, inhabitants of Tlaltelulco and the municipal government led by Miguel Ángel Powder Rea, commemorated the 60th anniversary of the death of Mauro Ángulo Hernández, who was also a local deputy, federal deputy senator and secretary of government in the state of Oaxaca

This event the mayor said that this character left its mark on the citizens of Tlaltelulco, “we are pleased to participate in the LXVI Anniversary of Mauro Angulo Hernández, a character that we remember with great pride because with great effort he managed to consolidate an upward political career , but above all he carried out a policy at the service of the people, with a high humanistic sense, for that reason beyond the ideological partisan we recognize a character that has left a mark on all the Tlaltelulcan citizens “.

Powder Rea likewise thanked the support of the educational authorities to carry out this event, “man of vision and conviction of struggle, his memory is remembered year after year in Tlaltelulco, this time I want to thank the teacher María de Lourdes Pérez Hernández, director of the elementary school that bears the name of Mauro Angulo for the facilities granted, as well as for the musical numbers prepared by his students, “the mayor emphasized to parents present at the event.


According to his biography, Mauro Angulo Hernández was born on November 12, 1889, he completed his primary and secondary studies at La Magdalena Tlaltelulco, later he studied law at the State College of Puebla.

He began his political career as an Agent of the Public Ministry attached to the criminal and civil courts of Puebla. He was a military adviser to the “Leals of Tlaxcala” brigade, headed by Brigadier General Máximo Rojas, with headquarters in Santa Ana Chiautempan.

It intervened in sounded processes together with the revolutionaries José Montender, Federico Montender Federico Tosqui, Abel Vivas and Adelaido Villegas Andrade. He was appointed Solicitor of Justice in the State in 1919, Federal Deputy for the First Electoral District from 1920 to 1922, Local Deputy for the IV Electoral District from 1923 to 1925.

In the same way he was Senator of the Republic in the periods 1934 – 1940 and 1946 – 1952, as well as Secretary General of the Government of the State of Oaxaca. He served as Acting Governor from September 1, 1934 to August 31, 1940. This historical character was killed on February 17, 1948 by the brothers Hugo and Arturo Izquierdo Ebrard, without being clear about the motives of the crime. He died at 54 years of age and as a sign of his work, the inhabitants of La Magdalena Tlaltelulco named in his honor the primary school of the head of this municipality with his name.

Source :From the frontier of the world : Mitos Mitotes