“Retiree Syndrome” What is it and how does it affect you


Failure to respond in time could negatively impact the health of retirees.

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One in three retired people faces adaptation problems when they stop working, which is known as the retiree syndrome, which manifests with insomnia, hypertension, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disorders and reduced sexual desire. 

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According to María de Los Angeles Aguilera Velasco, a researcher at the University Center of Health Sciences of the University of Guadalajara, indicates that it is necessary to prevent and treat this syndrome in her book “Looking and reflecting on retirement. experience of leisure “.

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The symptoms of the retiree syndrome are:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Pessimism
  • Depression
  • Propensity to alcoholism
  • Social alterations
  • Loss of relationships
  • Loneliness
  • Dependence and violence

According to the specialist, if measures are not taken to attack this syndrome, there will be a negative impact on the quality of life of retired people as a result of being isolated and not finding any meaning to their existence.

Aguilera Velasco stressed that adequate rest is necessary, but not all the time because inactivity can make them feel unproductive.

For retirees, adapting to this new stage means reorienting their lives, establishing a new routine, returning to feel useful and productive, doing activities that please them and being healthy or keeping under control chronic degenerative diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

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The time they previously spent working can be leisure time, which involves leisure activities such as attending movies, shows, art galleries and museums, and allows retired people to face their current situation with optimism.

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By: Juan Leyva