Turning Mexico into a fishing and aquaculture power


 A thorough restructuring of Conapesca, ending corruption in the sector and turning Mexico into a fishing and aquaculture power, are the goals of the next commissioner in the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The entire national fisheries policy will be restructured.”

In this way, the Sinaloan Raul Elenes Angulo put in dimension the shake that comes for the fishing and aquaculture industry in the country, if the alternative plan of the nation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, today the elect president of Mexico, is fulfilled.

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Ratified as the next holder of the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca), Elenes Angulo replicates the speech of AMLO against corruption.

This will imply a “comprehensive review” in the administrative area of ​​all social programs, salaries, workplaces …