Sinaloa presents school calendar for next school year


The Ministry of Public Education and Culture presented the “School Calendar 2018-2019 Sinaloa for Basic Education that allows schools to choose if they work 195 or 185 days during the next school year, and marks as a holiday on May 10

Jorge Herrera Espinoza, the undersecretary of Educational Planning of the SEPyC, pointed out that in order to give a sense of belonging, it was decided to place the name of the state in this document, as well as to recognize through distinguished Distinguished teachers’ photographs.

Present calendar for next school year

The Sinaloa School Calendar for Basic Education indicates that the school year 2018-2019 begins its activities on August 20 next. The schools that choose to work 195 days will finish classes on July 8 of next year; those of 185 days, on June 24.

Herrera Espinoza stressed that it is the school councils of each campus, where teachers, principals and parents are represented, which define whether they work 185 or 185 days.

Present calendar for next school year

Other holidays for the next cycle are November 2, January 1, March 18, May 1 and 15.

He mentioned that teacher training schools are managed with a calendar of 200 days.