156th Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla celebration in Culiacán, Sin.


On behalf of the Governor of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, the Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Sergio Torres Felix, led in the Civic Plaza of Culiacan’s Government Palace the commemoration of the 156th Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, accompanied by civil and military authorities.

During this act, in which the Brigade General D.E.M. Ernesto Alejandro Vadillo Trueba, Commander of the Ninth Military Zone, took protest to a thousand cadets of the National Military Service, of which 11 were women volunteers who are part of this institution.
Infantry Colonel D.E.M. Humberto Zerón Martínez, Commander of the 94th Infantry Battalion, read the official speech, and recalled that the main objectives of the National Military Service are: to train the new soldiers on the basic knowledge of current military doctrine, developing skills, values ​​and virtues; in addition to training as an integral, responsible and disciplined citizen, respectful of human rights and gender equity.
In addition, it seeks to strengthen their civic and moral values, to have respect for national symbols (the flag, the shield and the national anthem), in order to maintain the feeling of unity and love for their homeland Mexico.

TMP Newsroom with information from www.sinaloaenlinea.com